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Privacy Policy - France

I. Introduction
When you use ©Rapid'Transport services, you entrust us with your personal data. We are committed to honoring your trust. With that in mind, we start by helping you understand our privacy practices.
This statement describes the personal data we collect, how we use and share it, and your choices in this regard. We encourage you to read this document along with the Privacy Overview, which outlines the main points of our privacy practices and provides summaries of the data we collect and how we use it.

II. Overview
A. Scope
This statement applies to users of Rapid'Transport's applications, websites, and other services worldwide.
This statement explains how Rapid'Transport and its affiliates collect and use data. It applies to all Rapid'Transport users worldwide, unless they use a service covered by a separate privacy statement. This statement applies specifically to the following users.
Passengers: individuals who order or benefit from transportation and related services.
Drivers: individuals who provide transportation services to Passengers individually through our site or through partner transportation companies.

This statement also governs other data collections carried out by Rapid'Transport as part of its services. For example, we may collect contact information from owners or employees of hotels or other merchants.
All persons subject to this statement are hereinafter referred to as "users".
Our privacy practices are subject to the laws applicable in the areas where we offer our services. This means that the practices described in this statement are only implemented if they are permitted by the laws of the country or region where they take place.

Please also note the following:

For users located in the European Economic Area (EEA): Due to the data protection and other laws in these regions, including the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), Rapid'Transport does not conduct some of the data collections and uses described in this statement in the EEA. Such data collections and uses are marked herein with an asterisk (*).
Contact us here if you have any questions about our practices in a specific country or region.

III. Data Collection and Use
A. Data Collected by Rapid'Transport

Rapid'Transport collects data:
provided by users;
created during the use of our services;
from other sources.
Rapid'Transport collects the following data from these sources:

1. Data provided by users.
This includes:
your account information — we collect data when users create or update their account or place orders using the payment service features. This includes first and last name, email address, phone number, address, payment or banking information (including associated payment verification information), user settings.
For drivers, this data also includes vehicle and insurance information, emergency contact details, and health-related information that attests to their fitness to provide services.
verification information (driver) — this includes information provided during the driver registration process, such as driving history or criminal record (where permitted by law), license status, any other names, previous addresses, and whether the person is eligible to work.
Identity verification documents and photos ) — this includes government-issued IDs, such as driver’s licenses or passports (which may contain photos and ID numbers, date of birth and gender), and user photos, such as selfies and profile pictures.
demographic data — we collect demographic data, such as date of birth/age, gender or occupation where necessary.
For more information on how ratings from other users are determined and used, please contact us.
travel information — we collect travel itinerary information from users, including times and dates of upcoming car rentals, flights or accommodation bookings. We collect this information: when users manually enter it when making bookings or if they give us permission to access their email account from their travel confirmation emails.

2. Data created during the use of our services.
This includes:
Location data (drivers) — we collect precise and approximate location data from drivers’ mobile devices when the CallMe app is running in the foreground (the app is open and appears on the screen) or in the background (the app is open but does not appear on the screen).
Location data (riders and order recipients) — we collect precise and/or approximate location data from the mobile devices of riders and order recipients if they allow us to do so in their device settings.
Rapid'Transport collects this data from the moment they request a ride or place an order until the order is completed, and when the app is running in the foreground (the app is open and appears on the screen).
Riders and order recipients can use Rapid'Transport's applications without authorizing the collection of location data from their mobile device. Choosing this option may, however, affect certain features available in CallMe applications. For example, a rider who has not authorized the collection of precise location data will have to enter their pickup address manually.
In addition, precise location data collected from a driver's device during a trip is associated with the rider's account, even if the rider has not authorized the collection of precise location data from their device. This data is used for purposes such as generating receipts, customer support, fraud detection, insurance, and dispute resolution.
Transaction data — we collect transaction data associated with the use of our services, including the type of service ordered or provided, order or ride details (such as date and time, requested pickup and drop-off addresses, distance traveled, and items ordered), and payment transaction information (such as hotel or merchant name and address, transaction amount, and payment method used).
Usage data — we collect data about users’ interaction with our services. This includes access dates and times, application features or pages used, browser type, application crashes, and other system-related activities.
Device data — we collect data about the devices used to access our Services, including the model, IP address or other unique identifier, operating system and version, software, display language, advertising identifier, device movement data and mobile network data.
Communication data — we collect data about phone, SMS or in-app communications between users that are enabled through the Apps. This includes the type of communication (phone, SMS or in-app message), date/time.

3. Data from other sources.
Here are some examples:
Users who participate in our referral programs. For example, when a user refers someone, they send us their data;
Rapid'Transport account owners who order services for or on behalf of other users (e.g. friends or family members), or who allow other users to order or benefit from services.
Users or third parties who provide data in the context of complaints or disputes;
Rapid'Transport's business partners through which users create or access their accounts, such as payment providers, social networks, or applications and websites that use Rapid'Transport's or CallMe's APIs or whose APIs Rapid'Transport uses;
Rapid'Transport's business partners in relation to a credit or debit card issued by a banking institution in partnership with Rapid'Transport within the limits provided for in the general conditions applicable to the card;
service providers that help us verify users’ identity, background, and work eligibility, detect fraud, and conduct screening processes for users that take into account sanctions, anti-money laundering, and KYC requirements;
providers of insurance, vehicles, or financial services for drivers;
partner transportation companies (for drivers or couriers who use our services through an account associated with such companies);
public sources;
marketing partners and service providers.
law enforcement, public health officials, and other government entities.

B. Use of Data.
Rapid'Transport uses data to provide users with convenient and reliable products and services (transportation and other). We also use data:
to improve the safety and security of our services and users;
for customer support;
for research and development;
to allow users to communicate with each other;
for marketing and advertising;
to send non-promotional communications to users;
in connection with legal actions.
See this page for a summary of the data we collect and how we use it.
Rapid'Transport uses the collected data to:

1. Provide our services.
Rapid'Transport uses data to provide, personalize, maintain and improve its services.
This includes using data for the following purposes:
Create and update accounts.
Enable the delivery of transportation services and the use of various features:
Use of location data to manage passenger pickups. Calculating estimated arrival times and tracking trip progress.
Enabling features that involve data sharing, such as sharing driver first name and vehicle information with passengers to facilitate pickup, or features that allow sharing of estimated arrival times and sharing of trip fares.
Connecting drivers with users requesting services, including based on personal data such as location and proximity to other users, and user settings/preferences (such as preferred destinations), and non-personal data such as the type of vehicle requested.
Enabling accessibility features.
Enabling features that involve account linking, such as linking email accounts to create itineraries.
Calculating prices and fares, including using location data and trip or order details (such as pickup and destination addresses). We may also consider non-personal data or factors, including date and time, estimated distance and duration, minimum base fares, taxes and fees, and dynamic pricing.
Process payments and enable payment products.
Personalize user accounts.
Facilitate the delivery of insurance, vehicle, billing, or financing solutions.
Provide users with information about their rides, generate receipts, and notify them of changes to our terms, services, or policies.
Perform operations necessary to maintain our services, including troubleshooting software bugs and operational issues.
Rapid'Transport performs the above activities when they are necessary to comply with the terms of its agreements with its users, are consistent with such uses, or in order to serve its and its users' legitimate interests.

2. Ensuring safety, fraud protection, and security.
We use data to promote the safety and integrity of our services and our users. This includes:
Verifying users’ accounts, identities, or compliance with security requirements.
For example, we will conduct driver background checks (including criminal background checks where required or permitted by law) to verify their identity and eligibility to provide transportation services.
We also use data from couriers’ devices to verify the type of vehicle they use to make deliveries.
Using customer service information (including security incident reports), device data, transaction data, and usage data to identify potentially unsafe drivers and conduct.
Use of account, device, location, usage, transaction, mobile carrier and other data, including user communications and metadata, to prevent, detect and address fraud, including from guest users.
Use of reported incidents, user ratings* and other feedback to encourage safe use of the platform and compliance with our Terms.
Using driver data (such as past ride information and reported incident rates) and rider data (such as account information, cancellation and reported incident rates, current pickup and drop-off locations, past ride information, and rating information) to predict and help avoid user connections that may increase the risk of conflict.*
Using your location, phone number, username, vehicle details, and other relevant information to provide live support from safety experts during rides.
The fraud and dangerous driving prevention and detection activities described above may be considered profiling under applicable laws and may result in users’ accounts being disabled (usually only after manual review). For information on how to opt out of the above activities, see the “Choices and Transparency” section below.
Rapid'Transport carries out the above activities when they are necessary to comply with the terms of the agreements entered into with its users, and/or for purposes that serve its legitimate interests in terms of safety and security or those of other parties, including those of users and the general public.

3. Providing customer support.

The information we collect is used to provide customer support, including to investigate and address user issues, and to monitor and improve the quality and processes of our customer support.
Rapid'Transport carries out the above activities when they are necessary to comply with the terms of the agreements entered into with its users, or to serve its legitimate interests in monitoring and improving its customer support.

4. Working on research and development.
We use data for analytics, machine learning, product development, research and testing. This allows us to provide more convenient and easy-to-use services, as well as to enhance their safety and security. We may also develop new services and features.
Rapid'Transport performs the above activities when they are necessary to serve its legitimate interests in improving its services and features or developing new services and features.

5. Enabling users to communicate with each other.
For example, a driver may text or call a passenger to confirm the pick-up location; a passenger may call a driver to pick up a forgotten item; a hotel, service provider or merchant may contact the recipient of an order to provide information about their request.
Rapid'Transport performs the above activities when they are necessary to comply with the terms of the agreements entered into with users.

6. Generate marketing services and advertising.
Rapid'Transport uses data (other than guest users) to market its services and those of partners.
We specifically use account, approximate location, device and usage data, as well as ride and order history, to provide personalized ads and marketing communications based on users' observed or inferred location, interests and characteristics (which may include inferred gender*).
This includes using data for the following purposes:
Sending emails, SMS, push notifications and in-app messages or other promotional or advertising communications regarding Rapid'Transport products, services, features, offers, promotions, sweepstakes, news and events. For example, we may send push notifications suggesting a user's preferred destinations or merchants, or in-app messages offering discounts or promotions for products or merchants similar to those a user has previously ordered or requested.
Displaying Rapid'Transport advertisements on third-party applications or websites.
Displaying third-party advertisements in CallMe applications or in connection with our services. These advertisements (called "sponsored ads" in our applications) include personalized recommendations based on users' location and order history.
This also includes personalized ads based on data relating to users' ride requests.
Rapid'Transport carries out the above activities when they are necessary to serve its legitimate interests in informing users about its services and features or those offered by our partners.

7. Sending non-promotional communications.
Rapid'Transport may use the data to send surveys and other communications that are not intended to promote its services or products or those of its partners.
Rapid'Transport carries out the above activities when they are necessary to comply with the terms of its agreements with users, or to serve its legitimate interests and those of its users by informing them about events that may impact their use of Rapid'Transport's services.


8. Comply with legal requirements and in the context of legal proceedings.
We use the data to investigate or handle complaints or disputes related to the use of Rapid'Transport's services, to comply with applicable laws, regulations, licenses or operating agreements, or to comply with a legal process or a request from a governmental entity, including law enforcement.
Rapid'Transport carries out the above activities when they are necessary to serve its legitimate interests in investigating and managing complaints and disputes related to the use of its services and features, or when these activities are required in order to satisfy applicable legal requirements.

9. Generate marketing services and advertising.
Rapid'Transport uses data (other than guest users) to market its services and those of partners.
We specifically use account, approximate location, device and usage data, as well as ride and order history, to provide personalized ads and marketing communications based on users' observed or inferred location, interests and characteristics (which may include inferred gender*).
This includes using data for the following purposes:
Sending emails, SMS, push notifications and in-app messages or other promotional or advertising communications regarding Rapid'Transport products, services, features, offers, promotions, sweepstakes, news and events. For example, we may send push notifications suggesting a user's preferred destinations or merchants, or in-app messages offering discounts or promotions for products or merchants similar to those a user has previously ordered or requested.
Displaying Rapid'Transport advertisements on third-party applications or websites.
Displaying third-party advertisements in CallMe applications or in connection with our services. These advertisements (called "sponsored ads" in our applications) include personalized recommendations based on users' location and order history.
This also includes personalized ads based on data relating to users' ride requests.
Rapid'Transport carries out the above activities when they are necessary to serve its legitimate interests in informing users about its services and features or those offered by our partners.

10. Sending non-promotional communications.
Rapid'Transport may use the data to send surveys and other communications that are not intended to promote its services or products or those of its partners.
Rapid'Transport carries out the above activities when they are necessary to comply with the terms of its agreements with users, or to serve its legitimate interests and those of its users by informing them about events that may impact their use of Rapid'Transport's services.

11. Comply with legal requirements and in the context of legal proceedings.
We use the data to investigate or handle complaints or disputes related to the use of Rapid'Transport's services, to comply with applicable laws, regulations, licenses or operating agreements, or to comply with a legal process or a request from a governmental entity, including law enforcement.
Rapid'Transport carries out the above activities when they are necessary to serve its legitimate interests in investigating and managing complaints and disputes related to the use of its services and features, or when these activities are required in order to satisfy applicable legal requirements.

C. Cookies and Third-Party Technologies
Rapid'Transport and its partners use cookies and other identification technologies on their applications, websites, emails, and online ads for the purposes described in this statement, and in Rapid'Transport's Cookie Statement.
Cookies are small text files that are stored on web browsers or devices by websites, applications, online media, and ads. Rapid'Transport uses cookies and other similar technologies for purposes such as:
authenticating users;
recording user preferences and settings;
gauging the popularity of content;
improving and measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns;
analyzing website traffic and trends, and understanding the online behaviors and interests of people who interact with our services in the aggregate.
We may also allow third parties to provide audience measurement and analytics services on our behalf, to serve ads on our behalf across the Internet or for other companies’ products and services in our apps, and to track and report on the performance of those ads. These companies may use cookies, web beacons, software development kits, and other technologies to identify the devices visitors use to access our website and other websites and online services.
For more information about the use of cookies and other technologies described in this section, please see our Cookie Statement.

D. Sharing and Disclosure of Data.
Some Rapid'Transport services and features require us to share data with other users, at their request or with their consent. We may also share this data with our affiliates, subsidiaries, and partners for legal reasons or in connection with claims or disputes.
Rapid'Transportmay share data:


1. With other users
This includes:
Sharing the rider’s first name, rating, and pickup and drop-off locations with the driver.
Sharing the rider’s first name with other riders in a shared ride. Riders in a shared ride can also see the drop-off locations of other riders.
Sharing driver data with the rider(s), ride recipients, and hotels or merchants, including their name and photo; their vehicle make, model, color, registration, and photo; their location (before and during the ride); their total number of rides; the time since they signed up as a driver; their contact information; and their profile, including any compliments or other feedback previously provided by users.
We also provide riders and ride recipients with receipts that contain information such as a breakdown of charges and their first name.
We also include other information on these receipts if required by law.
With an account owner when used by another passenger or order recipients use an account linked to their family profile, when a driver uses an account belonging to or associated with a transport company or a Rapid'Transport partner.
As part of the Rapid'Transport referral program, sharing certain data of the referred user, such as the number of trips completed, with their referrer within the limit of the data necessary to determine the referral bonus.

2. At the request or with the consent of users.
This includes sharing data with:
Other people at the request of the user. For example, we share a user's estimated arrival time and location with one of their friends when they request it, or information relating to a user's trip when they share the price with a friend.
Rapid'Transport's business partners. For example, if a user requests a service as part of a partnership or promotional offer provided by a third party, Rapid'Transport may share certain data with that third party. Third parties may include other services, platforms, applications or websites that integrate our APIs; vehicle or vehicle-related service providers; companies that own an API or service that we integrate; or hotels, restaurants, merchants or other business partners of Rapid'Transport and their users in connection with promotions, contests or specialized services.
Emergency services. We offer features that allow users to share their data with the police, firefighters and ambulance services in the event of an emergency or after certain incidents.
Insurance companies. If a user has reported or submitted a claim to an insurance company regarding Rapid'Transport's services, Rapid'Transport will share certain data with that insurance company in order to adjust or process the user's insurance claim.
Hotels, merchants or restaurants. Order recipients may also choose to share their contact information and trip information with a specific hotel, merchant, service provider, partner or restaurant in order to receive promotional communications from them.
The general public. User questions or comments posted on public forums such as Rapid'Transport blogs and Rapid'Transport social media pages may be viewed by the general public, including any data included in the questions or comments posted by a user.

3. With Rapid'Transport subsidiaries and affiliates.
We share data with our subsidiaries and affiliates to help us provide our services or to perform data processing on our behalf.

4. With Rapid'Transport's service providers and business partners.
These include the third parties, or categories of third parties, listed below. When a third party is identified, please review the associated privacy statements for information regarding the collection and use of your personal data.
Payment processors and facilitators, including PayPal.
Verification, identity verification, and risk management solution providers.
Cloud storage service providers.
Customer support platform and service providers.
Google, in connection with the use of Google Maps in applications.
Social media companies, including Facebook.
Marketing partners and marketing platform providers, including social media ad services, advertising networks, third-party data providers, and other service providers to reach or better understand our users and measure the effectiveness of ads.
This includes advertising intermediaries, such as Google and Wix that enable Rapid'Transport to display and measure the effectiveness of personalized ads for third-party products that are displayed in Rapid'Transport's applications. We share data, including ad information or device ID, encrypted email address (by hash), approximate location, current ride or order information, and ad interaction data, with these intermediaries to provide their services and for other purposes as disclosed in their privacy statements. Users can opt out of ad personalization. For more information on the privacy practices of these intermediaries, including how to submit requests to them regarding processing of their personal data, please see their privacy statements.
Research partners, including organizations that conduct surveys or research projects in partnership with Rapid'Transport.
Vendors that help Rapid'Transport improve the safety and security of its applications and services.
Service providers who provide us with artificial intelligence and machine learning tools and services.
Consultants, lawyers, accountants and other professional service providers.
Insurance and financing partners.
Insurance companies, in connection with insurance claims submitted or reported by a user regarding Rapid'Transport services, and for the purpose of adjusting or processing the insurance claim.
Third-party vehicle suppliers, including fleet and rental management partners.

5. For legal reasons or in the event of litigation.
We may share user data if we believe it is necessary to do so under applicable law or regulation, operating licenses or agreements, legal proceedings or governmental requests, or when disclosure is justified for security or other similar reasons.
This includes sharing data with law enforcement officials, public health officials, other government agencies, airports (if such sharing is a condition of offering our services at that airport), or third parties, as necessary (a) to enforce our Terms of Use, our user agreement or other policies; (b) to protect the rights or property of Rapid'Transport or third parties, as well as ensure the safety of such third parties; or (c) in the event of a claim or dispute regarding the use of our services. In the event of a dispute relating to the use of another person's credit card, the law may require that we share your data with the holder of that credit card, including information relating to your ride or order.
This also involves sharing data with third parties in connection with a merger, sale of assets, consolidation, restructuring, financing or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by a company, or during negotiations.

6. With the consent of users.
We may share a user's data in ways other than those described in this statement if we notify the user and they agree to the sharing of their data.

E. Data Retention and Deletion.
Rapid'Transport retains user data for as long as necessary for the purposes described above. Users can request deletion of their account via Rapid'Transport's applications and websites.
Rapid'Transport retains user data for as long as necessary for the purposes described above, depending on the type of data, the category of users to which it relates, the purposes for which we collected it, and the length of time the data is retained after the account deletion request for the purposes described below.
For example, we retain data:
for the lifetime of user accounts if this data is necessary to provide our services. For example: account data;
for 7 years if necessary to comply with tax requirements. For example, information about the driver's ride or delivery location;
for defined periods if necessary for security or fraud prevention purposes. For example, we retain incomplete driver applications for 1 year and rejected driver applications for 7 years;
Users may request deletion of their account at any time.
After the account deletion request if necessary for security, safety, fraud prevention or compliance with legal requirements, or due to issues with the user's account (such as unpaid credit, or an unresolved claim or dispute). For drivers, this generally means that we retain some of their data for as long as necessary in connection with actual or potential tax, litigation or insurance claims. Passenger and order recipient data is generally deleted within 90 days of the deletion request, unless its retention is necessary for the reasons mentioned above.

IV. Choice and transparency.
Rapid'Transport allows users to access and/or modify the data that Rapid'Transport collects, including through:
privacy settings;
device permissions;
in-app rating pages;
choice regarding promotional and advertising communications.
Rapid'Transport also allows users to request access to their data or a copy of their data; to modify, update or request deletion of their account; or to request that Rapid'Transport restrict the processing of their data.

1. Privacy Settings.
Rapid'Transport allows passengers and order recipients to set or update their preferences regarding the collection and sharing of location data, sharing of data with emergency services and notifications.
Location Data Collection (Passengers and Order Recipients).
Passengers and Order Recipients can enable or disable the collection of location data from their mobile device via their device settings, in the Settings menu or Settings > Privacy > Location.
Real-time Location Sharing (Passengers and Order Recipients).
Passengers and order recipients can enable/disable Rapid'Transport's sharing of real-time location data from their mobile device with their drivers.
Data sharing with emergency services
Passengers can authorize Rapid'Transport to share real-time location data from their mobile device with police, fire and ambulance services. This data includes the approximate location at the time the emergency call was made; the make, model, color and registration of the car; the passenger's name and telephone number; the pick-up and drop-off locations; and the driver's name.

Notifications: Account and Ride Updates.
Rapid'Transport sends users notifications about the status of their rides and updates about their account activity. These notifications are necessary for using the Rapid'Transport app and cannot be turned off. However, users can choose how they receive these notifications.

2. Device Permissions.
Most mobile device platforms (iOS, Android, etc.) have defined certain types of data that applications cannot access without the device owner's permission. These platforms have different methods for obtaining this permission. Users should check the settings available on their devices or contact their carrier.

3. Choices regarding promotional and advertising communications.
Rapid'Transport offers users the following choices regarding the use of their data for promotional and advertising purposes.
Personalized promotional communications from Rapid'Transport: Users can choose whether Rapid'Transport can use their data to send them personalized communications (e.g., emails, push notifications and messages) about Rapid'Transport products and services. Users can also choose here whether or not to receive promotional emails and push notifications from Rapid'Transport.

Data sharing and tracking: Users can choose here whether they want to allow Rapid'Transport to share their data with third parties or collect data about their visits and actions on third-party applications or websites, for the purpose of personalized ads.

Personalized ads: Users can choose whether they want to allow Rapid'Transport to use their ride, order or search history to personalize ads. Rapid'Transport's use of cookies and related technologies, including for the purpose of displaying personalized ads, see our Cookie Statement.

5. User requests for data.
Rapid'Transport offers users many ways to learn about and control how Rapid'Transport processes their data, and to submit questions and comments about it. In addition to the methods listed below, users can also submit data requests through our Privacy Inquiry Form.

Access and Data Portability: Depending on their location, users may have the right to "access" their data (i.e., be informed of the data Rapid'Transport has collected about them) and to obtain "portability" of their data (i.e., receive a copy of that data). Regardless of their location, Rapid'Transport offers several options for reviewing and obtaining copies of the data Rapid'Transport has collected about them.
Users can access their data, including their profile and ride or order history, through Rapid'Transport's apps or website.

Data modification or update: Users can modify the name, telephone number, email address, payment method on their account from the Settings or Settings menu of the Rapid'Transport applications or the driver portal.

Data deletion: Users can request the deletion of their account at any time via the Rapid'Transport Privacy Management Center.

Objections, restrictions and complaints: Users can ask Rapid'Transport to stop using all or part of their data, or to limit its use. This includes objecting to Rapid'Transport's use of the data in the context of its legitimate interest. Rapid'Transport may continue to process the data after this objection or request to the extent required or permitted by law.
In addition, depending on their location, users may have the right to lodge a complaint about Rapid'Transport's processing of their data with the competent data protection authority in their country. For example, users who reside in the European Union.

V. Legal Notices.
A. Data Controllers and Data Protection Officer

Rapid'Transport is responsible for the processing of data processed in connection with the use of Rapid'Transport's services worldwide, except in cases where it is jointly responsible for the processing with other Rapid'Transport affiliates.
Users may also contact Rapid'Transport's Data Protection Officer at, regarding questions relating to the processing of their personal data by Rapid'Transport and their data protection rights.

B. Legal Framework for Data Transfers.
Rapid'Transport operates and processes data globally. We comply with applicable legal frameworks for data transfers.
Rapid'Transport operates and processes data globally. Your personal data may therefore be processed in countries, including the United States, whose data protection laws may differ from those in which you live.

This includes processing your data and transferring or allowing access to your data globally, in order to:
provide you with services where you request them;
give you access to your information, such as your ride/order history, wherever you need it;
respond to requests for information from governments or law enforcement, if necessary.
Rapid'Transport is committed to protecting the personal data of its users, regardless of their location or that of the entity responsible for processing their data. This includes implementing comprehensive measures to protect user data, including:
securing user data in transit, including through encryption, and at rest;
imposing company-wide training on data privacy and security;
implementing internal policies and procedures to limit access to and use of user data;
limit government and law enforcement access to user data, unless required by law, in the event of an imminent security threat, or if users have given their consent to such access.
When we transfer user data from the EEA, the UK and Switzerland, we do so on the basis of the necessity to perform our agreements with users, their consent, adequacy decisions regarding the country of transfer and transfer mechanisms. such as the Standard Contractual Clauses adopted by the European Commission (and their approved equivalents for the UK and Switzerland) and the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, the extension to the UK of the Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-US, Swiss-US Privacy Shield Framework, as set forth by the US Department of Commerce. Such data remains subject to the GDPR or equivalent provisions after such transfer. Users may contact Rapid'Transport in this regard or to request copies of the applicable Standard Contractual Clauses.

Scope: Rapid'Transport's Privacy Shield Framework certification applies to data relating to data subjects in the EEA, the UK or Switzerland and received from other controllers.

Access: Users have the right to access their personal data that is subject to Rapid'Transport's Privacy Shield Framework certification. For information on how to exercise this right, see the "Choice and Transparency" section above.

Onward Transfers: Rapid'Transport is responsible for the transfer of personal data to third parties, subject to their certification. For more information on the parties to whom Rapid'Transport may transfer personal data, see the "Data Sharing and Disclosure" section above.
Data Requests from Law Enforcement: Under applicable law, Rapid'Transport is required to share user data, including data that may be subject to certification by Rapid'Transport, in accordance with a legal process or a governmental request, including from law enforcement.

C. Updating this Privacy Statement.
We may update this statement occasionally.
If there are any significant changes, we will notify users through the Rapid'Transport applications or by other means, such as by email.
We encourage users to review this statement regularly to learn the latest information about our privacy practices.
Use of our services after an update constitutes acceptance of the new statement to the extent permitted by law.

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